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Showing posts with the label certification course

How to Choose the Right Certification Course in 2022

You've decided to take on the path of obtaining a certification course. Congrats! This is a big step. Then, you can begin your homework. Each certificate requires a genuine commitment of time and effort. It is a significant accomplishment. But the question is... What should I consider when choosing the right certification course for me? The choice goes beyond selecting between basic or advanced certificates. It is important to recognize that not all certifications are the same, therefore proper verification is required. If you're considering getting certified There are steps you should follow to ensure that your choice is in line with your goals and professional goals. Understand the Importance of Certifications Knowing the importance of certifications before deciding to purchase one is essential. In 2022, 92 per cent of professionals have at least one  Lean Six Sigma   certification. There's plenty of competition within the industry. There's a consensus t